Ratiofill. Because every rental agreement is an investment.
Our goal is to make the real estate industry more efficient, optimize contractual processes and sustainably increase the value of real estate.

Over 40 years of industry experience
Ratiofill is a Berlin-based company that specializes in providing property management companies and property owners with legally compliant and efficient contract management. The cloud-based Ratiofill app ensures that rental agreements, including service charge statements, are always up to date both factually and legally, thereby minimizing follow-up costs and risks. Ratiofill continues the success story of the Ratiofill form manager, which was developed 25 years ago by real estate expert Eckart Schuberth and was one of the first tools of its kind on the market at the time.

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Management Team
Get to know the people behind Ratiofill.
Ekart Schuberth
Chief Executive Officer
Is co-editor of the “Handbuch zum Berliner Mietendeckel und Mietspiegel” (2019) and has had excellent industry experience with the property management company MBS Schuberth GmbH since 1985. Schuberth was active on the board of “Haus und Grund Berlin” for 15 years and was deputy chairman of the “RDM-Ring deutscher Makler”. He was also the chief negotiator for “Haus und Grund” within the Berlin Senate's rent index commission on several occasions.
Roland Hehn
Chief Executive Officer
Founded Ratiofill GmbH together with Ekart Schuberth back in the year of 2017. Roland Hehn is a landlord and real estate expert himself. He is the founder and CEO of various software technology companies, including HQ revenue, a leading solution for calculating and predicting hotel room prices in the DACH region. He brings profound experience in software development of international industry-leading SaaS offerings to the product development.
Maurice Pollmar
Head of Business Development
Started his career in the advertising industry in 2012 and achieved great success in campaign management and media planning within four years. In 2016, he switched to management consulting, where he advised start-ups, SMEs and corporations in the DACH region as an independent consultant. Since 2021, he has been in charge of day-to-day business and business development at Ratiofill in close coordination with Roland Hehn and Ekart Schuberth.
Make an appointment with Ratiofill now

Unsere Mission
Zettelwirtschaft von morgen!

One time Setup
Einmal aufsetzen auf Knopfdruck unendlich Exemplare.
Keine Wartezeiten
Durch alle angegebenen Infos direkt erstellen lassen
Cloudbasiert und rechtlich abgestimmt für keine Probleme
Wir fördern Fairness und Transparenz in der Wohnungswirtschaft, um Vertrauen zu stärken und faire Mieten zu etablieren.
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